Extraterrestrial Fanon Wiki
General Information
Homeworld Gitro
Intelligence Sapient
Biochemistry Carbon-based lifeform
Biological Information
Average Length 10 ft
Locomotion Bipedal and Brachiation
Feeding Behavior Omnivore
Cladogramatical Information
Cultural Information
Language(s) Silvian
Scientific Taxonomy
Planet Hoovira IV (current)
Race Tesilver
Other Information
Status Not Evaluated
Creator Gingalover

The Tesilver is a Four armed Humanoid Alien Race that once Originated from the planet Gitro, until the race had to migrate from the planet to Hoovira IV in order to continue surviving. Tesilvers There have Four Prehensile Arms to Support Arboreal Locomotion, But Unfortunately There went Extinct since after Humans Colonized Hoovira IV, Gitro and Other Planets

Geographical history[]


The Tesilver history on Gitro is barely remembered far as historical biology. The Tesilver's Ancestors Species is a Mammalian Snake But During Reached Sapient Life and New Civilization about Tesilver's Golden Age of Gitro.

They were once the dominant, and highly advanced, sapiens on the single continent upon Gitro. However, during the peak of their reign, the planet started to suffer from the Tesilver's involvement; the Forest turning deeply Wildfire, and the local fauna dying out due to hunting. Becoming too harsh for the Tesilver to live, they managed to escape their own planet with some local species, and traveled through the cosmos until they managed to find the planet Hoovira IV.

How they managed to arrive onto Hoovira IV remains to be said, as most Tesilver had forgotten much how they managed in the first place.

Arriving to Hoovira IV[]

When the Tesilver arrived onto the planet, they mainly had to start directly from scratch, using the little materials they had with them to eke out a living. In such different conditions, from the amount of land, to the atmosphere, the Tesilver struggled to adapt to the enviorment throughout the first hundreds of years since arriving, becoming endangered and Extinct due to the amount of danger represented to them at first. However, the Tesilver eventually began to evolve in these environments, and became more advanced as they were before.

Throughout both the Savij and Hoeva periods, the Tesilver began to alter Hoovira IV to their liking, much to the dangers represented to the local organisms, mostly because they hadn't learned from their mistakes back on Gitro. The Galoshee and Droove tried to convince them multiple times to change, and even fights broke out amongst each other, but, the Tesilver didn't show much care towards the other races yet. Their involvement even altered the land itself: birthing the Silver Archipelago, and the land bridge connecting Vveru and Kayru. If the planet of gitro was brought up, many Tesilver at the time would see that as 'just a fluke', as in not blaming themselves. However, karma caught up with them near the end of the Hoeva Period, upon the mass extinction event caused by their involvment. While effecting the Galoshee greatly, causing extinctions towards other species, and wiping out forests, the Tesilver suffered a deadly loss, and were nearly wiped out completely much like the Galoshee.

The End of Hoovira IV's and Gitro's Alien Lifeform[]

In the Decades The Years When Galoshee, Droove and Tesilver went Extinct since after Humans Discovered and Colonized Every Planets in Former Species is Galoshee, Droove and Tesilver and Eventually Humans Colonized Hoovira IV, Gitro and Other Planets to Humans Eventually Evolved into Hovirans on Hoovira IV Gitronian and Many other Alien Species is Evolved from Humans who went Colonize a New Planet.
