Extraterrestrial Fanon Wiki
Gamilian Glider

A Glider soaring at a sunrise

Main Information[]

Gamilian Gliders are fair-sized, flying creatures native to Gamila. They are known for their oddly terrifying behavior, such as cannibalism. They move around via jet-like organs and only land on the ground to mate.

Feeding, Mating, And Parenting Behavior[]

Gliders don't have echolocation like other Gamilian animals. Due to this, their hearing is amazingly powerful. They find mates with low songs that can be heard from miles away. Unfortunately, this attracts predators. The three genders sing songs at different pitches, helping mates find each other. Once a Transport, Host, and Deposit are all present, the creatures lower to the ground and exchange DNA. The Host lays eggs after about 1 to 2 months. Usually, near 200 eggs are laid. After the eggs hatch, the babies murder their parents using small thorns on their heads, which fall off as they age. They separate the flesh of the dead creatures, and stick the pieces into small pouches on the stomach. The Gliders disperse, flying in every direction. From then on, they slowly eat pieces of the flesh of their parents. Their bodies don't require much energy, so this lasts them a while. When the meat is all gone, they desperately look for a mate, often dying of hunger. They call for a mate constantly after 3 months. Due to their quantity, the Glider species lives on.

Corpse Floaters[]

Often Gliders will run out of food, or go without a mate. If this happens, they will pass away from hunger or age in the sky. After death, the jet-like organs on the back of the creatures will keep going for, at the maximum, 9 days. The burning of leftover materials will keep the animal in the sky, causing dead bodies to fly wildly in the sky. This creates a morbid but somewhat beautiful sight.

Defense Behavior[]

Usually, while in danger, a Glider will simply fly away. Their jets are very fast, and they can leave many predators in their tracks. In a life or death situation, a Glider will shoot blood out of its long, tube-like mouth. This scares away most predators.
