Extraterrestrial Fanon Wiki
Otgravent Idor
General Information
Creator Procedurally generated world
Alternate Names Dauenolaste
Planet Type Barren Planet (current)
Toxic Planet (former)
Universal Location
Universe No Man's Sky
Amalgam Universe
Galaxy Euclid Galaxy
Sector The Arm of Ospele
Cluster Ospeleshv Fringe
System Toseike System
Position 6th
Orbital Characteristics
Satellites 0
Physical Characteristics
Climate Former: Gas Clouds
Current: Sterile
Surface temperature °F (Day)
°F (Night)
Terra-Score T3
Weather Class Class 2
Tectonics Class Class 2
Primary Terrain Former: Dales, lowlands, marshes, plains, swamps, valleys, wetlands
Sapients Vy'keen (former), Korvax, Dauenolaster
Wildlife Grawlek, Groat, Otgraventfish, Otgravent Octabrain, Ruddercrane, Saigapir, Soda Piacark
Vegetation Fluthorn, Fukiyadenia, Hazychain, Hypnoleaf, Quackmire, Sandchimes
Political Information
Affiliation Vy'keen (former)
Korvax Empire (current)
Capital City Exchange V-19C-MY5-4
Government Vy'keen Empire (former)
Korvax Empire
Official Language(s) Vy'keen (former)
Strategic Information
Major Exports Former: Fungal mould, aluminum, iridium, heridium
Current: Fungal mould, salt, ammonia, copper
Valuable To Vy'keen (former)

Otgravent Idor (formerly known as Dauenolaste before the resculpting) is the sixth and final planet in the Toxete System, found within known Korvax space. It is an inconsequential, "backwater" Sterile Planet located within the Ospeleshv Fringe of the Arm of Ospele along the edge of the Euclid Galaxy. It was once known as the homeworld of the Dauenolaster, before they were eradicated during the system's resculpting.


Dauenolaste is a moonless planet in the Toxete System. Its atmosphere consists mainly of toxic gas, making it inhospitable to most organisms not indigenous to the planet itself. It has a toxicity level that fluctuates between 56.8 and 69.6 at night. Despite this, flora is bountiful and fauna is common.


Genetic Transference[]

Evidence has been recently uncovered that hints that the Gek First Spawn used enslaved Korvax to take life from nearby worlds and seed them across each other. In the case of Dauenolaste, ancestral forms of several species were moved to and from here:

  • Dauenolaste: Ancestral Euphrotha, which had themselves evolved from Gekwolves originally imported from Zukabergo-Nama Gusuk, were exported to Thiaseuris-Ulgan Jeppj, evolving there into Thiaseuris Euphrothas.
  • Zukabergo-Nama Gusuk: Life from Zukabergo were brought over twice during the extended transference period. First off, basal Gekwolves were shipped over and over ten thousand years or so, evolved into the Euphrotha genus, including but not limited to the Crested and Pyramid-headed Euphrothas. Seeing how well Gekwolves had taken to the planet, an ancestral Slateskull was moved over next, evolving into the Kidnapped Slateskulls.
  • Thiaseuris-Ulgan Jeppj: Skoff ancestors were brought over and evolved over time into the carnivorous Mupsas.

When Asalog led the successful Korvax rebellion in the planetary system, the First Spawn were driven out and the Korvax abandoned the planet to reside instead on Litvaardpa Dummi. With the rebellion over, the Korvax in this system went into an extended period of dormancy.

Korvax Awakening[]

When the Korvax left in stasis beneath Litvaardpa Dummi, they rose up and slaughtered the local Vy'keen occupying the system. While certain worlds were devastated in the process—such as with the atmosphere from Amchasavy Owas being stripped away and transfered to Arpenefe Ayug—Dauenolaste was left alone. The Korvax then constructed Exchange V-19C-MY5-4. Beyond this, they have done nothing significant with the planet.

The Noxian-Sterilis Extinction Event[]


  • Abing Dale
  • Botheusa Plains
  • Chnayai Crossing
  • Diychy Swamp
  • Emkho Sector XIII
    (location of local trade center Repository P-JQ7)
  • Ithis Wetlands
  • Exchange V-19C-MY5-4
    (Primary Operations Center)
  • Plains of Aikinyi
  • Point Janido
  • Sachwalras Marsh
  • The Dobsoneid
  • Uhnev Marsh
  • Worubri Lowlands
  • Yemyeru Valley
  • Yocaja Marsh



Noxian Period[]

Name Color Discovered by   Brief description
Cotton Cantree
(Etateldima paenatisis)
Brown trunk with hot pink foliage Somarinoa Cotton Cantree One of the six primary tree species found across the surface of the planet. It consists mainly of a thick, woody trunk that holds plenty of water for the tree to survive off of. They typically are found on drier areas, either in grasslands or on mounds that regularly stay above the water level in wetlands, and as such have a desiccated root structure. They are parasitic, extending root-like tendrils underground that seek out other vegetation and choke them to death, then absorb their rotting nutrients. The trees reproduce via hot pink airborne seeds carried by a puffy structure. This puffiness leads to the soft "shelves" that cover the tree which normally are rooted firmly into the tree itself and used for nesting purposes by aerial species. During the right time of year however, even the slightest breeze can send these seeds floating en masse for sometimes a hundred miles or more, carried by the wind.
(Sadvea mettalrus)
Greenish-gray trunk with purple fruit Somarinoa Cup-and-ball One of the six primary tree species found across the surface of the planet. They are most closely related to the Towering Diakk. They have meaty roots which extend during times of higher soil/water saturation such as during heavy storm rains and floods, preventing them from toppling over as easily. They feed via fungal reclamation, absorbing the numerous fungi-like vegetation found throughout the wetlands. They have been known to directly compete with both Shroomgroves and Umbrella Diakks, which have a more fungal-like nature to them.
Dauenolaste Angervine
(Anzerteum hanethreidea)
Brown stalk with lavender leaves Somarinoa Dauenolaste Angervine A species of Angervine which subsists upon free radicals in the soil, only taking organic prey in cases of starvation. This lack of excess organic nutrients leaves the Angervine stunted throughout its life, however, never reaching its full potential in length. Due to the enormous number of potential predators that could attempt to feed upon them, they are easily startled and thus can be a bane to one's existence. Many explorers have been seriously injured by these vines.
Dauenolaste Palateworm
(Macinea paphii)
Drab yellow stalk, bright yellow leaves Somarinoa Dauenolaste Palateworm A species of palateworm that inhabit the wetlands. Like other palateworms, they feed upon trace levels of zinc in the substrate. They are notably incapable of processing the dirty water of their environment and thus must extend their heads outwards to collect purified atmospheric moisture during dawn and dusk via dew formation. Weaker than the majority of their kind, their pseudoroots are stunted as they do not obtain enough nutrients to allow them to waste them on proper rooting. Originally mistaken by the local inhabitants to be actual flora, they are referred to as perennials in early studies.
Insidious Axos
(Axosae nanonsabium)
Purple stalk and cap Somarinoa Insidious Axos A species of small fungoid vegetation found all over the wetlands. They are carnivorous, and use their heat seeking to locate prey. They produce a choking scent that protects them from would-be predators.
(Oopicae doferopm)
Drab blue-to-purple fading stalk Somarinoa Oopic A species of small fungoid vegetation found all over the wetlands. They are a typical autotroph and feed via regular photosynthesis. To protect themselves, their outer layer is calcifuge, which works like a thin but viable calcium exoskeleton. Their roots have been found to require the pull of gravity to extend outward, and as such they are unable to hold themselves upright in zero g environments such as non-rotational space stations.
Pondripple Tree
(Wapeum lurammobarima)
Brown trunk with purple leaves and grayish-green shelves; develops pale violet cap at maturity Somarinoa Pondripple Tree A species of carnivorous wetland tree. They live in swamped, mushy regions, where they suck up large amounts of water into their trunk. Their genes are unstable and as such, they are consistently, albeit slowly, rotting. This means that they can never reach their full potential unless gene therapy is provided as they will rot too deeply and crack under their own weight. Their leaves are sticky and they catch large amounts of invertebrates that land on it. Once they reach maturation, their leaves fall off and the various shelves are reabsorbed and extended as a much larger cap at the upper reaches of the tree. From here they will produce their seeds.
(Nuarnea beodosia)
Can come in all colors Somarinoa Shroomgroves are one of the six primary tree species on the planet, most closely—but still distantly—related to the Umbrella Diakk. Fungal clusters, their root structure is balanced, allowing even distribution and preventing its falling over easily. They subsist off of underground bubbles of nutrients that have become trapped beneath the surface.
Suggestive Nakker
(Nakrae shumosa)
Purple-to-white fading stalk Somarinoa Suggestive Nakker A species of very slow-growing, small fungoid found all over the wetlands. They subsist by recycling soil, making them essential to the well-being of the planet's ecosystems. Being somewhat porous in nature allows wind to pass through them, creating a sort of whispering sound through them.
Towering Diakk
(Ianikima labigitatae)
Brown trunk with dark green fruit Somarinoa Towering Diakk One of the six primary tree species found across the surface of the planet. It is most closely related to the Cup-and-ball. Its limbs curve away from the trunk in an almost tentacle-like fashion, ending in small, dark green fruit which are fed upon by aerial species such as Dauenolaste Greeters and Mushwings, and the few smaller species that can make the climb. They utilize a conventional root system covered in bioluminescent tubers. These tubers are filled with bacterium that break down nutrients for the tree and it's their digestion processes that cause the glow. The tree also collects atmospheric moisture in the morning and evening thanks to microscopic "hairs" that collect dew and rain droplets.
Umbrella Diakk
(Muyrnuusii opoisurgii)
Drab olive trunk with pale green cap Somarinoa Umbrella Diakk One of the six primary tree species found across the surface of the planet. It is about equally related to both the Towering Diakk as it is to the Shroomgrove, to the point of being considered the "missing link" between the two families. The fruit is hidden underneath a collapsed cap and protected from unwanted foragers by its many tentacle-like limbs. Only certain small species of nesting moth-like organisms can make the climb and slip underneath the cap to successfully feed on the fruit inside, leading to a form of symbiosis. Their root structure sublimates nitrogen to feed the tree and can be transferable should two Umbrella Diakks exist and close enough proximity to touch and should one of them perish. These surviving trees with extra root systems often grow larger and more healthy than others of their kind.

Sterilis Period[]

Name Color Discovered by   Brief description
(K. feverdinae)
ss Somarinoa Fluthorn

Fluthorn is often used by local small avian species as a way to pin their still-living prey. These aerial organisms have a specific Fluthorn that they claim as their territory, and as such, Fluthorns can oftentimes be harvested for small amounts of coprite that has gathered over the plant as the creature returns often to feed or pin new prey to it, increasing the chances of guano to be found.

(Oyumia seedesybae)
ss Somarinoa Fukiyadenia The Fukiya is a dangerous species of klekkattek: klekks capable of launching their thorns as a form of ranged defense. Using extensive roots, Fukiya locate mats of fungaloid organisms beneath the surface of the sand dunes and leach their nutrients from them. The "fungi" that they seek out themselves feed upon radon, which the Fukiya in turn absorb into their own systems. As radon is not healthy for them to try and digest, they have adapted to secrete the element into their thorns. This is where they become deadly, as a stab from one of their thorns can cause radiation poisoning; unfortunately, klekkatteks launch their thorns at high velocity when they detect potential dangerous species.
(D. headpihae)
ss Somarinoa Hazychain Hazychains are a species of short barrelklekks that can be found all over the dunes of the planet's new surface. The species is partially named after the flowers that grow around its apex, which form what appears to be a daisy chain around a makeshift head. These flowers are covered in microscopic cilia that collect moisture from the air during the morning and siphon it into the main body of the organism. From here, it stores as much as it can. Interestingly, should it encounter amounts of dew or water that it cannot immediately absorb, its vascular system causes the excess water to travel down to the roots, which have thicker hairs that excavate a small area around them. Although this makes them a bit loose in the soil, they also excrete an organic compound that binds with the dirt to form a waterproof layer around the roots. This traps and swamps the roots, allowing the Hazychain to absorb water it has collected in times of drought.

Although they possess flowers, their pollen is not stored here as they are not actually pollinated by any other species. This is where the second part of their name comes in to play: Instead, during the beginning of the wet season they will "sneeze" out a huge amount of gametes, which form a foggy "haze" around the local area. The male and female gametes merge in mid-air and are fertilized by the time they finally settle back to the ground. While they would simply blow away in the dry climate, the wet season allows them to be weighed down and the subsequent flooding takes them far from their parent colonies and buries them under substrate to germinate and grow.

(Hypophyllos weedumae)
ss Somarinoa Hypoleaf H is a species of tree-like vegetation that has dominated the planet's sandy landscape since the last great extinction event. They are parasitic and use their many, bristle-like leaves to stab into victims, whether they be wildlife or nearby vegetation. These leaves possess a hollow, hypodermic needle-like primary vein that drains fluids and nutrients directly from whatever comes in contact with it. It is notoriously difficult to remove due to many microscopic barbs covering its surface. These leaves are then connected to long tubes so that should the victim move away from the tree, the leaves stay in them and follow them like a leash instead of simply yanking back out. While a single leaf can still be removed by moving to the end of this leash, when a multitude of these are stuck in an individual it becomes more and more difficult to flee. Dead wildlife found beneath these H are not an uncommon sight.

To store the nutrient they extract from their prey, their roots are capacious and can expand to fill and store what they can gain. This of course makes their tuber-like roots very nutritious and highly sought after by a multitude of organisms.

Despite their parasitic nature, their primary method of feeding is actually autotrophic photosynthesis.

(Gizmo duckmodum)
ss Somarinoa Quackmire G is a species of klekk that dot the planet's landscape. They are interesting, as they collect water and use microscopic thorns to guide the water down into their roots, where it then is excreted back into the surrounding soil. Over time this liquidizes the local soil and transforms it into quicksand. The G itself stays atop this hydrogel substance through the use of a balanced root system that spreads its weight evenly throughout the pool. This quicksand is dangerous to organisms that step too close to the klekk, and they are especially dangerous in large fields of the species. This process however serves a dual purpose as it also helps them feed via soil recycling.
(Pteronvitrum weedrafarium)
ss Somarinoa Sandchimes Sandchimes are a species of primitive klekk. Whereas all klekks have developed thorn-like projections in one fashion or another, the Sandchimes have semi-flexible, glass-like filaments that are soft to the touch, almost like feathers. These filaments are built to absorb rogue radio waves bouncing across the planet's surface, although how it is that they do this has never been studied in-depth. While their filaments are semi-flexible, they are still fragile and can easily be broken off by anything beyond the gentlest of touch by passersby. This splinters the filament into sharp shards that irritate the body by getting stabbed into the flesh as easily as a hypodermic needle. Because they are such fragile vegetation, they have developed fractal roots that almost bind them in place.

Sandchimes get their name from the sound their millions of filaments make as they gently clink together in the errant wind gusts, sounding similar to windchimes. The main body is considered an excellent local source for harvesting cactus flesh.


Noxian Period[]

Name Height Weight Discovered by   Brief description
Crested Euphrotha
(Euphrotha iridua)
1.54m 106.72 kg Somarinoa Crested Euphrotha A volatile carnivore in direct competition with its relative, the Pyramid-headed Euphrotha. The two species primarily hunt the local Kidnapped Slateskulls, although Crested Euphrothas will attempt to catch Greeters and Mushwings whenever they can. They are named for their crest-like horns.
Dauenolaste Greeter
(Isclutose kaundo)
0.83m 43.73 kg Somarinoa Dauenolaste Greeter A species of small but common aerial herbivores closely related to the larger but rarer Mushwings. They hibernate in the autumn and winter months en masse.
m kg Somarinoa Dauenostar A species of radially symmetric organism that go about their own business, day in and day out. Although they move incredibly slow, to the point that the casual observer might think that they are sessile by nature, they actually seek out nutrients in the form of sulphur that they need in the surrounding environment and then stay there to leech out as much as possible before moving on. They are often found on Nemaraite, which is an easy target for their high sulphur content.
(Ordublagu ehaburd)
Prime: 8.09m
Asymmetric: 7.9m
Prime: 372.49 kg
Asymmetric: 357.82 kg
Somarinoa A species of large reptilianoids. They are often mistaken for dangerous predators, but are in fact submissive grazers. What appear to be sharp teeth are actually more like pegs, and are used for stripping leaves off of tree-sized vegetation. They have a crocodilian face, and long, gangly phalanges. Males (known as primes) have a pair of large, bony crests that are used in sexual displays and determining dominance between rivals. Females (known as asymmetrics), lacking this structure, simply have a few bony spines at the base of their skull. Females also have sparsely feathered tails, unlike the males of the species.
Diychy Badgermole
(Urosaep ziliolup)
1.54m 102.08 kg Somarinoa Diychy Badgermole A species of grazers that spend the majority of their time in in subterranean caverns. They are passive by nature.
Greater Dauenoworm
(Coterera ientia)
m kg Somarinoa Greater Dauenoworm A species of marrow worm which feed via conjuration, somehow using quantum physics to pull particles to themselves in a manner likened to teleportation. Studies on how they do this have not yet been performed. They have a dark gray, worm-like body that ends in a compact, bioluminescent purple head, referred to as the "bulb". Unlike the Lesser Dauenoworm and many other marrow worm species found across the galaxy, Greaters cannot form their own root-like extensions to hold them in place and instead must rely on a symbiosis with local fungal species, which extend out and look like stalks of mold, but ultimately help hold the worm in place. Once they reach maturation and are fertilized (usually by a moth-like species that nest in Umbrella Diakks), their head becomes fragile and will fall off, killing the parent but allowing the larvae to feed on the rotting structure as they hatch soon after.
Kidnapped Slateskull
(Uippil ratiby)
1m 72.19 kg Somarinoa A species of Slateskull brought over from Zukabergo-Nama Gusuk. They are small, fearful creatures that stalk the wetlands, using elongated toes to keep most of their body out of the marshes that lets them move through the biomes with ease.
Lesser Dauenoworm
(Sefasium inoffium)
m kg Somarinoa Lesser Dauenoworm A species of marrow worm which feed upon the nutrients brought about by geological energy. They have a dark gray, worm-like body that ends in an elongated bioluminescent purple head, referred to as the "bulb". Once they reach a mature size and are fertilized via fertilizers (usually a moth-like species that nest in Umbrella Diakks, their root-like extensions begin to dessicate and their bulbs get moldy before eventually dropping off while the organism collapses in a dying heap. This bulb will then grow into several new Lesser Dauenoworms.
(Roanaefusum mupsa)
0.95m 87.62 kg Somarinoa Mupsa A species of Skoff that have evolved into ambush predators, using their unassuming nature to slowly stalk prey and attack them when their guard is down. They have small heads relative to their body size, and this is believed to be due to low stock numbers when first imported leading to inbreeding. They do not appear to have suffered mentally, but definitely give off a particularly creepy vibe.
(Vipegoeum difica)
2.07m 84.79 kg Somarinoa Mushwing A rare species of aerial herbivores, known to nest around Exchange V-19C-MY5-4, sometimes even nesting on the operations center itself, much to the chagrin of travelers. They have distinctive personalities, and individuals can be told apart by how they act. They like to feed on the semi-rotting vegetation of the marshes, especially on Pondripple Trees. Although they are herbivores, they will sometimes predate upon Dauenoworms, whose cells are surprisingly similar to those of flora.
Pyramid-headed Euphrotha
(Euphrotha giza)
1.5m 96.62 kg Somarinoa Pyramid-headed Euphrotha A volatile carnivore in direct competition with its relative, the Crested Euphrotha.
Rapid Sybaeder
(Sybaeum mupsa)
0.88m 76.06 kg Somarinoa Rapid Sybaeder A species of swift, unpredictable carnivores that spend their time hidden in the crevasses that dot the landscape, coming out only to rapidly chase down detected prey before dragging it back to their home. Luckily, they are quite uncommon.
Sausage Xogoner
(Xogonerari ehaburd)
Male: 5.86m
Female: 6.06m
Male: 250.57 kg
Female: 254.52 kg
Somarinoa A species of huge, passive xogoners that feed upon oxide elements. Their body stores huge amounts of fat so that they can go months on end without food, although they don't necessarily need to as floral life is quite common; however, this does save them during the occasional drought. Males are hornless, and are known as Dimetigers.

Sterilis Period[]

Name Height / Weight Discovered by Image Brief description
(Q. haydrokuharia)

53.4 kg
Somarinoa Grawler Grawleks are a strange species of literally pea-brained species that emerged from the planet with no known origins following the resculpting. Because their brain is only the size of a pea, they only exhibit limited sentience. They are wary of travelers as their body structure is not well-built for incurring injury.

Although their main diet is the buds of NipNip, these have fallen into very low quantities due to their voracious appetite. Because of this, more often than not they must feed on the fruit of the various cactoid species that dot the landscape.

(E. geoippium)

150 kg
Somarinoa Groat Groats are peaceful bipeds that roam the deserts grazing in small groups, usually no larger than pairs or trios. Despite their large size they surprisingly feed on pollen using long, straw-like tongues. This makes them one of the planet's major pollinators, as well. Their skin is porous but callouses up during the hot months so as to not lose moisture. Once the rainy season finally ends the draughts, the callouses wash away (being produced using salt deposits excreted through the skin) and allow them to absorb as much liquid as possible to tide them over until next deluge.
Otgraventfish Barbels
(Y. fumeessium)
Unspecified m

Unspecified kg
Somarinoa Otgraventfish are a species of sandfish that swim beneath the desert sand dunes and burrow into caverns. Never coming above the surface, these creatures spend their millennia-long lifespans extending their facial barbels out of the ground, which are often mistaken for flora. While they spend much of their time in torpor, "invisible" (actually microscopic) bristles on their barbels collect atmospheric moisture that then drips down into their awaiting mouths thanks to grooves in the structures. Should these barbels be damaged or severed, they can regenerate over the course of just a few days.

Their young are distributed evenly as eggs between the two parents where they are held in cheek pouches in the mouth. They will eventually nurse for a decade; upon birth they attach themselves back onto the mother or father and burrow their heads into its flesh, feeding intravenously on fluids produced by the adult. This is a symbiotic relationship however, as they then act as a makeshift root system to hold the adult in place and make it difficult to yank out of the ground by would-be predators.

When an Otgraventfish mother grows to old age, her physiology changes and her last brood are instead laid in large egg sacs in and around caverns where they will remain safe to most prying eyes. These eggs will remain dormant until weather conditions are right, which can take anywhere from decades to centuries. The larva will be suspended in amniotic fluid inside a hardened yolk casing, in the form of an albumen pearl. The mother will then die sometime later, usually due to the strain producing these large eggs causes on her body.

Otgravent Octabrain
(H. bloatnisae)

91.1 kg
Somarinoa Otgravent Octabrain The Otgravent Octabrains are a subspecies of Octabrain whose ancestors were somehow separated from the Cycloid Empire and forced to live and adapt to a new environment. Here they became tame, watchful creatures that no longer sought to harm others, and lost their initial intellect, becoming non-sapient beings.

These Octabrains mostly feed on rocks and their genders are indeterminate to the untrained eye. Interestingly, they fear the rain when it comes, hiding in caverns until the floods cease.

(Q. papioobgeus)

55.2 kg
Somarinoa Ruddercrane With the Noxian-Sterilis Extinction coming to a close, the Ruddercranes found themselves to be the largest aerial organisms in the sky, replacing the Mushwings in the size sense but not necessarily in the dietary sense. Whereas Mushwings were known for feeding on rotting vegetation and Dauenoworms, Ruddercranes feed almost exclusively on gravitino balls. This practice has made gravitino balls a scarcity to travelers on the planet, as the bird-like creatures will fly for miles on end to pick them and hide them in storage caches should they not be hungry.

Interestingly, the Ruddercrane is both easily scared and easily trained. Because of this, specialized trainers called Calmonks spend years learning to meditate to a level of complete calmness, which soothes the creatures as they react to even the slightest sudden movement. The birds are expected to become domestic stock sometime in the near future, and despite their size certain Calmonks have become falconers, using them to fetch them gravitino balls for their own purposes.

(J. aoppmegumea)

99.3 kg
Somarinoa Saigapir Saigapirs are a species of antelope-like herbivores known to roam in widely-dispersed packs. They feed on oxide elements that includes certain vegetation as well as specific minerals in their environment. They also store what little water they find in hidden sac-like storage organs throughout their bodies. Because of their wary nature, Groats often join them in makeshift herds, using them as their own sort of alarm system.

Interestingly, a Saigapir does not appear to age beyond sexual maturity, and instead will live on perpetually until they die of outside sources. Future studies are currently in the planning stages to discover their secret to effective immortality and hopefully unlock it in sapient races.

Soda Piacark
(K. livermototica)

98.7 kg
Somarinoa Soda Piacark Soda Picacarks are a species of intelligent aerial organisms that took over the skies after the extinction of both the Dauenolaste Greeter and the Mushwings. Soda Piacarks are named after their excretion of lye, also known as caustic soda. During the early morning hours the Soda Piacark will preen itself, spreading this lye throughout their feathers and making their entire body caustic to the touch, allowing them to not have to worry about most potential predators.

Like many other Piacarks, they possess a crop that holds small stones, which are used to both grind up small supplemental meals and also digests the rocks themselves for the minerals that the Piacark requires to survive. They live in social flocks. Genders are impossible to tell the difference between externally.


Name Height Weight Discovered by Image Brief description
(Laciumoneum annaisdoc)
(4' 10.26")
97.43 kg
(214lbs 12.74oz)
Somarinoa Dauenolaster The local sapient species. They are bipedal, skittish grazers who evolved to stand upright to watch for predators but still must drop onto all fours to feed on vegetation. They have weak manipulatory capacity, and have to use their cloven hooves and a small pseudo thumb.
Korvax Average Unspecified First Spawn Korvax The Korvax are inorganic lifeforms that inhabit metallic casings passed down from generation to generation. They believe that through mathematical study they can be raised to the level of the Atlas, and that the path to this is through the study of the Sentinels.

Each Korvax is a pure mind, a drop in their great collective Convergence. The shell they inhabit is of little significance compared to their connection to this group consciousness.

The Korvax were enslaved by the Gek First Spawn, and many still view the Gek with deep suspicion.

Vy'keen Slightly above average Unspecified Unspecified Guard Doijincun The Vy'keen are a bipedal, if hunched, warrior race that follow a reciprocal honor system (doing something for one obligates the Vy'Keen to do something for the doer and vice-versa).

While the body is primarily humanoid, the facial features of the Vy'keen can vary. Most notably the jaw often protrudes, with either mouth parts or two short tentacles. Their skin is scaly and majority of the Vy'keen are green.

They once dominated the Edge of the galaxy before the Gek First Spawn backstabbed them during the Aerons War. Now they are little more than nomads.


Noxian Period[]

Name Primary Element Secondary Element Discovered by   Notes
Binguzite Iron Heridium Somarinoa Binguzite Audiophobic
Chiarite Detritum N/A Somarinoa Chiarite Quantum Instability
Coallite Iron Gold Somarinoa Coallite Liquid center
Dujurbite Iron Gold Somarinoa Dujurbite Infested
Ilgarite Iron Nickel Somarinoa Ilgarite Localized Black Hole
Nemaraite Iron Nickel Somarinoa Dauenostar Sulphurous
Niuseite Iron Plutonium Somarinoa Niuseite Slow Moving

Sterilis Period[]

During the Sterlis Period, most minerals on the planet have been replaced with various forms of Yukovskite following the planet's resculpting.

Name Primary Element Secondary Element Discovered by   Notes
Anierite Cobalt Sulphurine Somarinoa Anierite Metal Content: 66%

Formation Process: Ground up Shells

Notes: Ancient
Idzersite Carbonated carbon N/A Somarinoa Idzersite Dauenolaste
Vidlloysite Ferrite Dust Pyrite Somarinoa Vidlloysite Metal Content: 48%

Formation Process: Soil Compaction

Notes: Elastic
Yukovskite Ferrite Dust Pyrite Somarinoa Metal Content: 66%

Formation Process: Magnetic Attraction

Notes: Melts Easily
Yukovskite Ferrite Dust Pyrite Somarinoa Metal Content: 66%

Formation Process: Magnetic Attraction

Notes: Melts Easily
Crystallized Yukovskite Di-hydrogen
Condensed carbon
Somarinoa A crystallized form of Yukovskite mixed with significant elements of di-hydrogen.

Notable Colonists[]


Noxian Period[]

Sterilis Period[]
