Extraterrestrial Fanon Wiki
Dudegrop MS Sprite
General Information
Origin SPORE
Amalgam Universe
Homeworld Podunkle
Environment Farms
Intelligence Sapient
Biochemistry Carbon-based lifeform
Biological Information
Lifespan 45 years
Average Height Roughly chest-high to a Human
Locomotion Bipedal walking
Feeding Behavior Omnivorous
Cladogramatical Information
Cultural Information
Alignment Neutral Good
Personality Pleasant and willing to help out others
Organization Communities
Affiliation(s) Yolthus Independency
Scientific Taxonomy
Planet Podunkle
Other Information
Creator Somarinoa

"Dudegrops are pleasant little farmers from the planet Podunkle. They are not particularly versed in the ways of the galaxy as a whole, generally keeping to themselves but perfectly willing to help out a friend."
Vacotor Database, Terran translation

